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What are the main side effects of a Duodenal Switch and SADIS?

The Duodenal Switch and SADIS have more potential for side effects than other kinds bariatric surgery because they have a greater effect on your ability to absorb food and nutrients. To stay healthy, you have to eat a large quantity of protein each day as well as take high dosages of vitamins. Vitamins are essential for good night vision, healthy skin, teeth and bones.

If you consume a lot of fatty food after DS and SADIS, most of the fat gets excreted in your stools, resulting in lots of smelly wind along with loose and sometimes explosive diarrhoea. Diarrhoea can also result from something called bacterial overgrowth, when less friendly bacteria colonise the gut. This is usually treated with course of antibiotics and use of probiotics and live natural yoghurt to allow more friendly bacteria a chance to re-colonise the bowel.


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The clinical information expressed in these video clips is for general information only, and not intended to be a substitute for a detailed discussion with your bariatric surgeon. For further information please contact one of our team on 03452 515 515 to discuss your individual case.

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