Meet The Surgeon

What is an EndoBarrier and what does it do?

EndoBarrier is an endoscopic technique in which a tube is placed inside the bowel to form an artificial lining to the upper gut. It has been shown to improve patient’s diabetes as well as cause a degree of weight loss. Concerns have been expressed about its safety (a major trial in the USA was stopped early because of a higher serious complication rate in the EndoBarrier group). EndoBarrier is not cheap and is still seen as a temporary solution as it needs to be removed after a period of time. In view of these concerns and limitations, we do not offer EndoBarrier as we believe other minimally invasive keyhole surgical techniques offer a better and longer-lasting solution.


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The clinical information expressed in these video clips is for general information only, and not intended to be a substitute for a detailed discussion with your bariatric surgeon. For further information please contact one of our team on 03452 515 515 to discuss your individual case.

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