Treatment Options

Treatment Options

What are my weight loss surgery options?

There are four main weight loss surgery procedures available; the intragastric balloon, gastric band, gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. Phoenix Health also carries out duodenal switch and SADIS1  procedures in addition to band salvage and complex revisional surgery.

Few bariatric teams can offer the full choice of bariatric treatments that the Phoenix team can provide. From minimally invasive gastric balloons and the most complex kinds of revisional ‘re-do’ surgery, during a consultation, we provide you with a range of options to review. Following your procedure, it’s imperative as part of our service to provide you with continuous psychological support as part of your journey to lose weight.

It’s our degree of experience which enables us to offer bespoke weight loss options which best meet your individual needs: we are committed to supporting you throughout. Having surgery is just the first step in undertaking this process, and it is paramount that your aftercare is a continuous part of losing weight so you are empowered to make the right decisions to succeed in your recovery and to achieve a healthy weight long-term.

What will happen during the initial weight loss surgery assessment?

To assess your suitability for the various treatments available, you will meet with one of our experienced consultants where they will discuss the types of weight loss procedures which are best for you, based on your circumstances.

During this meeting, we will undertake a comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessment review including an analysis of your medical history, your dietary behaviour, BMI, body weight, and then discuss with our team of medical and weight loss specialists which weight loss surgery is going to be the most effective.

Learn more about the different types of weight loss treatments

Find out your BMI and if you are eligible for weight loss surgery

BMI Calculator

Learn more about the process of undergoing weight loss surgery and the side effects. To help you take the next step and to make the right decision, we have summarised answers to the most common questions patients have about bariatric surgery and its effects. Each answer has been provided by the founder of Phoenix Health and head bariatric surgeon, David Kerrigan.




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Please fill in the form below or call us on 03452 515 515 and a member of our team will be happy to help with your enquiry.

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