How To Take Charge of Your Weight Problem
Millions of people worldwide will choose bariatric surgery this year to help them take charge of their weight problem and become healthy. Some of them, in fact, will feel healthy for the first time in their lives!
Most of these people have tried other means: dieting (often over and over again), pills, special foods and teas promising miraculous results, exercising – they did all the “right” things, and yet still saw their weight going up and down, seemingly out of control.
You may feel that way. You may feel helpless – and hopeless; you may feel that your weight is dragging you down and keeping you from achieving what you want in life.
One way to take charge of your weight problem is through bariatric surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is often done laparoscopically, so you’re up and around quickly with minimal side effects. Gastric bypass surgery makes your stomach smaller (so you will feel full more quickly), and makes food bypass part of the small intestine, reducing how much food and nutrients are absorbed. These two components of the surgery lead to weight loss.
“Thank you,” wrote one gastric bypass patient to the surgeon who performed her operation. “You’ve helped me find the person I always knew was inside me!”
It’s worth finding out more to see if gastric bypass may be an option for you. It could be your opportunity to take charge of your weight problem and take control of your life.